Friendship to a Shy Maiden

February 16, 2014

If you were my friend,
Would we stay up just talking?
Play games and make jokes,

If you were my friend,
Would we have matching t-shirts?
The same favorite desserts?
Same hobbies?

If you were my friend,
Would we support each other?
Through thick and thin, no
Matter what?

If you were my friend,
Would we calm down our worries?
Cry on our shoulders
When we’re down?

I wouldn’t quite know,
I think you’re just amazing;
A little too grand.
My envy.

You’re exceptional,
While I’m struggling through life
Just making ends meet.
You’re too good.

You’re out of my reach,
No matter how much I wish
This gap between us
Was smaller.

You do not know me,
And I can’t say I know you.
We’re only classmates,
Us two kids.

But what I hold dear
Is my fictitious friendship
Between you and I